Dr. Ziauddin Hospital

Covid-19 Package Pkg-02

With the COVID-19 virus taking the world by storm, it is essential that we prioritize cheap screening of the virus to ensure more people do not get affected. At Ziauddin, you can get that done easily while saving above PKR 1,500.

Cardiac Risk Assessment Package Pkg-04

Early symptoms of cardiovascular diseases should be assessed properly and at Ziauddin, we can do that with our cardiac risk assessment program. By detecting it early on, necessary measures can be taken to prevent any life-threatening situations.

Hepatitis Screening Package Pkg-08

We take a sample of your blood and perform a test to see if you have been affected with the viral hepatitis. You must get this done at least once in your lifetime which is why we have developed a package that can give you a discount of more than PKR 1,700.

Hemolytic Panel Pkg-12

The Hemolytic Panel Test is a specific test that you can get done through us. Hereditary hemolytic anemia, along with RBC membrane disorders, can be detected at cheaper rates.

Antenatal Package Pkg-14

Our antenatal service is widely known for its comfort and care for pregnant women across Karachi. With our antenatal package, you can get discounts of more than PKR 2,800.