Thalassemia is a major genetic and hereditary disorder of public health in Pakistan. Around 6,000 new patients are added every year to the existing population of the sufferers. There are 10 million carriers of this disease who transmit it to the next generation. Statistical analysis reveals that almost 20 million people suffer from thalassemia currently in Pakistan, whereas every year 5-6 thousand new cases are diagnosed.
Lecture 1:
“Management of Thalassemia Major Beyond Blood Transfusion”
Guest Speaker:
Dr. Tahir Shamsi, Consultant Hematologist, NIBD
Lecture II:
“Iron Chelation In Thalassemia Major”
Guest Speaker:
Dr. Munira Borhany, Consultant Hematologist, Dr. Ziauddin Hospital, NIBD
Dr. Prof. Khalid Zafar Hashmi, Consultant Hematologist, Head of the Department- Hematology, SIUT
Co Chairperson:
Dr. M. Iqbal, Assistant Prof., Consultant Pediatric Dr. Ziauddin Hospital
Dr. Farhana Zafar, Assistant Prof., Consultant Pediatric Dr. Ziauddin Hospital
Day & Date:
June 11, 2015- Thursday
9:00 am to 12:00 noon
Seminar Room 1, Ground Floor, Main Hospital Building North Nazimabad Campus
Kindly bring along a Copy of your PM&DC No. for your Certificate provision
For Registration:
Kindly Contact Department of Quality Assurance
Phone, 36648237-9 Ext: 517